Antomycotoxin plant phenolic compounds
Ahmed et al 2022

Composés phénoliques naturels des agents antimycotoxines prometteurs : où en est-on?

une revue bibliographique publiée dans COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD SAFETY

Omar S. Ahmed, Charles Tardif, Caroline Rouger, Vessela Atanasova, Florence Richard-Forget, Pierre Waffo-Téguo.2022. Naturally occurring phenolic compounds as promising antimycotoxin agents: Where are we now? COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD SAFETY

Cet article est issu de la collaboration avec l'EA 4577 Oenologie, Université Bordeaux, dans le cadre du projet StilDetox

Les composés phénoliques végétaux, qui ont été largement étudiés en raison de leur activité antimycotoxine prometteuse, sont discutés en détail comme l'un des bio-agents pour contrer la production de mycotoxines.
et leur potentiel prometteur en agriculture est résumé et discuté.

Résumé anglais

Mycotoxins aremetabolites produced by molds that contaminate food commodities, are harmful to both humans and animals, as well as cause economic losses.
Many countries have set regulatory limits and strict thresholds to control the level of mycotoxins in food and feedstuffs. New technologies and strategies have been developed to inhibit toxigenic fungal invasion and to decontaminatemycotoxins. However,many of these strategies do not sufficiently detoxifymycotoxins and leave residual toxic by-products. This review focuses on the use of phenolic compounds obtained from botanical extracts as promising bioagents to inhibit fungal growth and/or to limit mycotoxin yields. The mechanism of these botanicals, legislation concerning their use, and their safety are also discussed. In addition, recent strategies to overcome stability and solubility constraints of phenolic compounds to be used in food and feed stuffs are also mentioned.

Date de création : 01 février 2022 | Rédaction : Communication MycSA